5 W's of Watergate

Who:  Nixon hired five men to break into the Democratic National Convention, Watergate.  The five burglars were discovered by Frank Wills, the security guard.  The reporters from the Washington Post, Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein, hired Mark Felt the FBI Associate Director and together they connected the Watergate scandal to Nixon and told the public the facts.

What:  Nixon was paranoid he would not win the election his second time running.  He assigned five men to break in and bug the Democratic National Convention in order to hear what they were saying in their campaign.  When the burglars failed to bug the Convention properly and were caught by the security guard causing a monumental scandal.

Where:  The Watergate Scandal took place at the Democratic National Convention.  The National Convention is in Washington D.C.

When:  The watergate scandal occured June 17, 1972.  This was the second break in because the first time the burglars did not bug it properly.  This was during Nixon's second time running for president to ensure he would win the election.

Why:  Nixon hired the five men to break in because he was very paranoid about his competitors.  This became a scandal because it tainted his image as a squeaky clean president.  This caused him to be the first person to resign from office.

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